How Meetings Have Changed

September 10, 2020 |

Meetings were already changing - slowly - until Covid.

Now what? 

How meetings have changed
Two decades of change in 30 seconds

My personal opinion is that we won't got back entirely to in-person only meetings except in rare and special circumstances.

Remote attendance to all sorts of events is the new norm. But while we crave human contact, Covid and our ability to meeting online via our very own broadcast facilities in our homes and offices - and on boats and in the park and the back seats of cars - has clearly demonstrated that we don't need to be in person all of the time. In fact, many organizations have experienced both enormous cost savings and vastly greater outreach than they could ever have imagined.

But not everyone is clueing in to one of the key takeaways: This is broadcast. Which is an awful lot like television. Which has spent more than 50 years figuring out how to communicate through a small, rectangular box called a screen.
